July 27, 2024

1 Year Anniversary of the Mr. Dwicky Blog!!

Happy birthday to this Blog, which officially turns a year old today! :) I can say it’s been a year full of fun memories with Mr. Dwicky, and I’m sure he’d be glad that a blog about him is turning a year old! How exciting. 

Here he is celebrating the blog anniversary 😂😊:

July 01, 2024

It’s Officially July!

It’s the first day of July, and that means the time is coming closer until this Blogspot turns a year old. :) Only 26 days left!

June 15, 2024

Happy Birthday Fred Tatasciore!!

Today is the birthday of Fred Tatasciore, the one who voiced Mr. Dwicky! ❤️ I’m not completely sure if it’s his birthday today since some websites say he was born on June 15th, 1967, and others say he was born on June 13th, 1968. I think it’s today though since the first birthday that comes up is June 15th, 1967. Happy 57th birthday to him!! :) 🎂🎊🎉

June 06, 2024

Cute Photo of Dwicky

For some reason I like Mr. Dwicky in this photo. I don’t know why, but he just looks so cute!! 😂❤️ Also it’s almost officially summer! Summer will start on the 20th of June, and right now it’s the 6th. That means there’s only 14 days left to wait until it comes. I know Dwicky is excited lol

May 01, 2024

Photos of both Mr. Dwicky and Dib

When I was younger, I liked Dib a lot because I loved how he was so determined in his goals, and because I loved how Jhonen animated him!! Something about him just stood out and I loved it. In the recent years I’ve started liking him less and I liked Mr. Dwicky more, but now since I’ve been reading Monsters and Ladybugs on Deviantart I’ve started to like Dib again. I’ve liked both characters for different reasons, but one similar reason is because of their personalities. ❤️ One is very determined to reach their goals, and the other is more chill in some ways (I think I still like Mr. Dwicky more but I don’t know just yet).

April 11, 2024

Dwicky Changes Everything

I wrote a quote that the Bloomberg TV network uses a lot, but instead of writing “Context changes everything,” I changed it to “Dwicky changes everything.” He does!! 😂❤️

February 14, 2024

Happy Valentines Day!! ❤️ (And also happy birthday Dib!!)

Today is Valentine’s Day, and I firstly dedicate it to the handsome cartoon man I’ve loved since the summer! (Mr. Dwicky) But I also dedicate it to Dib too since it’s his birthday ❤️🎂🎉🎊