September 26, 2023

September 25, 2023

Dwicky in the Background

These are screenshots of when Mr Dwicky was a side character. He wasn’t the one speaking, but he was either watching someone else do something or he did something on his own. 😂 

Dwicky holding his camera ❤️

 He looks so cuute!!!! 😊

September 24, 2023

More Screenshots of Dwicky!!


Dwicky’s Hair in the Wind

 I loooved when his hair was blowing in the wind when the Plookesians came with their ship, it was so perfeccct!! :)) 😭😭😭🥰🥰😊❤️❤️💕💓

September 19, 2023

Another Quote From Dwicky!!

 *Chuckles to himself* “Say, why don’t we talk about this at school???” ❤️ *GASPP*

September 08, 2023

Nervous Dwicky


“So, you wanna tell me what’s wrong?”

Here you could tell he’s filled with anxiety about the previous skool counselor 😅 lol

September 06, 2023

Quote From Dwicky

 “Okay, I don’t think Zim’s showing up, Dib. Maybe it’s time you two stop playing, and told me the real reason you’re so frustrated” ❤️💖

September 04, 2023

Dwicky Being Crazy!!


Sometimes everyone’s a bit weird on the inside 😂😂😂😂 and I think in this photo Dwicky shows it well!!! 

Dwicky With the Plookesians

 Dwicky waving goodbye when he gets on the space ship with the Plookesians ❤️❤️

September 02, 2023

Terrified Dwicky

Here he looks petrified or traumatized after SEEING Zim in public. He was even drooling later on too!!!! When he gets terrified, it’s the opposite of when he’s happy, his pupils shrink.

Dwicky Being Cute Again!!

This is when he says “NOT ANYMORE, ALL THE CHILD-LIKE WONDER IS RIPPED FROM MY HEART!! <3 The day my foot got stuck in an escalator, and aliens DIDN’T come rescue me 😂” Like, I think his voice was soooo cute at this scene!!!! And I think it’s so adorable how his pupils become large when he gets excited too ❤️ His laugh is also the cutest thing ever!!!