December 31, 2023


It’s December 31st and it’s the last day of 2023. Tomorrow will be the start of 2024 and we’re all excited, even Mr. Dwicky! We hope 2024 will be just as good as 2023, or even better. Here’s a picture of Mr. Dwicky celebrating the new year!! 😂❤️😊🥳🎊🎉 I made this with both Picsart and KUNI Cam.

December 30, 2023

Dwicky’s Smirk

This was Mr. Dwicky’s smirk/smile when Dib left and a teacher asked him if he really believed in aliens. 😂❤️❤️😊 

December 29, 2023

Dwicky Waves Hi to GIR

This is a small part of the episode from when Zim comes to the forest and Dib tells him this was all a trick. Mr. Dwicky was in charge of filming the whole thing as proof an alien was there, and when he sees GIR he waves and says “Haii!!”. 😊❤️📷🤖🐕💚 You could also see he was filming himself waving at the same time too lol


December 28, 2023

ANOTHER QUOTE from Dwicky!! 😂😂

 “A real space ship! Space ship! And you fly through the stars, seeing ALL the universe!?!” ❤️

December 27, 2023

Dwicky’s Earring Color Changed

I didn’t notice this before, but on the image in the post I made yesterday, Mr. Dwicky’s earring color is silver instead of gold. You can tell it’s from the lighting, and also I think the silver looks so much more prettier on him!! 😊❤️❤️ But that’s only my opinion lol

December 26, 2023

Another Photo of Dwicky Holding His Camera!!

Aww!! ❤️ This is from when Dib told Zim that everything was all a trick. He told Zim that Mr. Dwicky teamed up with him, and when he said “Innit that right, Mr. Dwicky?” Dwicky was holding his camera in excitement. So cuute!! 😊❤️❤️🥰 I also named the post with “Another photo” in it since I think I’ve already posted a camera picture of Dwicky before. 

December 25, 2023


It’s officially the special day in the holiday season, and you know what that is? You guessed it right, Christmas!! :)🎄❄️⛄️ Mr. Dwicky hopes everyone is having a good time with their families this year, and he also wishes everyone a happy new year too! ❤️😊

December 24, 2023

Edited Photos of Dwicky - #13, #14, #15, #16 and #17!!

Here’s some more edited photos I made of Mr. Dwicky!! I haven’t made any new ones since August, so here you go!! 😂❤️❤️ Also Merry Christmas Eve!! 🎄🎁❄️ 

December 23, 2023

More Photos of Dwicky!!

 Here’s some more photos I haven’t posted of him yet. He’s so adorable!!! 😊❤️❤️

December 22, 2023

Mr. Dwicky’s Eyes

It looks like Dwicky has a blue gray color, I think that’s very pretty!! ❤️❤️ 

December 21, 2023

Dwicky’s Changing Expressions

Something I love about Mr. Dwicky is how he changes his expressions really quickly. He goes from happy to disappointed, and then to happy again. It’s so cute!! 😊😂❤️❤️❤️

December 20, 2023

EVEN ANOTHER Dwicky Quote!!

“Look, I know you think, I lie, and I-I did, but I was only trying to help” ❤️❤️ I might’ve posted him saying this before, but if I have I’ll just post it again. 😂

December 19, 2023


When he says “Y’know, if it works,” he makes this adorable looking face like he’s a genius. 😊😊 So cuuuteee!!!! 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️

December 18, 2023

So Handsome

What’s more to love than a nice looking gentleman looking down at his watch? 😊😂❤️

Dwicky Enjoying Dib’s Drawing

This is sooo cute!! 😂😂❤️❤️ When they’ve waited a long time for Zim to show up in the woods, Dib draws a simple sketch of Zim, and Dwicky makes a slight smile before he says how he thinks Zim wouldn’t show up.

December 17, 2023

Dib’s Evil Laughter/Dwicky’s Reaction

When Mr. Dwicky and Dib (Digzum and Commodore Sloat) both try to get Zim to come to the woods, they promise him that he’d get super weapons. When Zim says how the weapons better be super, Dib then says “Oh-ho, they’ll be super! They’ll be so super, you’ll rue the day you ever messed with planet earth!” and then he has a crazy evil laughter. As Dib laughs even more, Dwicky goes backwards and looks concerned and I think it’s funny. 😂😂😂😂  

December 15, 2023

Dwicky’s Reaction to GIR

Based on how he looks here, I don’t think he likes GIR :(( 😅 Maybe the incident with the escalator gave Mr. Dwicky some trauma?

December 14, 2023